If you’re looking to invest in real estate then one of your main concerns is going to be the safety and growth of your investment. But how much awareness do you have of environmental concerns to do with the development of the area in which you are investing?
You don’t want to spend money on purchasing property only to find that detrimental changes to the environment reduce its value significantly. It’s important that there are organisations in existence to consider issues such as the environmental impact of development. The Urban Land Institute is one such organisation.
What does the Urban Land Institute actually do?
The institute is all about ensuring the responsible development of land; it provides leadership and advice to developers. The great thing about the institute is that the global reach of its members leads to the enablement of improved learning and sharing of ideas and information. The idea is to discuss issues such as urbanisation and conservation in an attempt to develop solutions whereby the natural and built environments can exist in harmony.
The institute has its origins in Illinois in the USA in the 1930s and has since grown to have a worldwide reach. The European branch concentrates on development issues on the continent.
How does the consultation take place?
Members of the institute can interact electronically on a daily basis but they also have the opportunity to gather face to face at events such as the Real Estate Trends Conference which takes place annually in early summer. The 2014 conference was held at Canary Wharf in London at the offices of JP Morgan. The attendees discussed various current topics in finance and development, such as the growing amount of Asian investment in the European real estate market.
These events provide the best opportunity for experts in the field of development to discuss ideas and conclusions arising from issues such as climate and improving economic recovery.
How can this help with development?
Freiburg in Germany is the perfect example of a city that is developed but also green. The area is home to many academics, and has been central to the green movement since the 1970s. It has been particularly effective in sustaining green policies in energy and economics.
Freiburg is a popular city in which to live so it can be difficult to obtain property in the area. If you can visit the city, and check local adverting, it can make the job a little easier. You also have the benefit of having feet on the ground so that you can explore the region and see what you’re getting for your investment.