6 Things Everyone Should Know Before Buying Apartments

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Buying an apartment has never been easier with all the apps and platforms available online. Enough money and proper documents can settle the question of property buying within hours. However, there is more to choosing your perfect future home than just the financial aspect.

Neighbors, infrastructure, and the overall state of the building are the things that you should always pay attention to. In this article, we will discuss the top 6 things you must check before making a hasty decision.

Get to Know Your Future Neighbors

For most people, buying their first apartment is a life-changing event. Neighbors are one of the most significant things that can influence your decision of whether to move into a particular flat or neighborhood.

Don’t hesitate to approach your future neighbors and ask them a few questions. They can share the things about the apartment or the local area that the seller might forget to mention. It’s also a perfect chance to make an acquaintance. By asking the following questions, you can get some insights:

  • How long have you lived in the neighborhood?
  • What do you like most about living here?
  • What can be improved in the neighborhood?

Research Local Area

Before you even view an apartment, we recommend arriving a few hours earlier to explore the surrounding area. Going around the neighborhood should provide you with a basic idea about the people that live there. You also want to make sure that the neighborhood has the amenities you might need. Shops, playgrounds, parking lots, and gyms nearby are the things that you and your family might deem important.

Visit the area at different times of the day. Going there in the morning will help you get to know the commuter traffic in the area. By visiting in the evening, you can find out whether the area is noisy after dark. It’s always a good idea to check crime rates in the city before moving in.

You can’t predict the future of the neighborhood. However, you can check what plans are in work for its development. For instance, you may want to know if there are plans for highways, bridges, or other construction works in the area of your future apartment.

Check If the House Is Not Mortgaged

In Austria, every resident is eligible for getting a mortgage. It’s a great way to become a homeowner because Austria has one of the lowest property taxes in Europe.

Similar to most countries, it’s forbidden by the law to sell already mortgaged property in Austria. Thus, you have to carefully read through the documentation. If the property is already mortgaged, the owner must provide an undertaking to the bank mentioning that the owners agree to provide property documents to a homebuyer.

If you feel like the legal complexities are not your thing, consider contacting a real estate agent. Some platforms like Luxury Vienna offer a wide range of services. These experts can advise you on the best suitable option, saving your time and funds.

Check the Condition of Pipes and Wiring

Changing pipes or wires can take days or even weeks. When you view the place, examine it with precision. You must be sure that everything, from electrical outlets to taps, is working properly. The amount and placements of electrical outlets are also crucial.

The easiest way to check plumbing is to turn on the tap and leave it running for a few seconds. Check the color of the water, its smell and pressure. Take note of any suspicious noise and observe the drainage.

In case you notice something that needs repair, don’t be hesitant to inform your agent or the owner. Sometimes it’s better to find another place than wait for the homeowner to fix it.

Consider the Age of the Building

Ask the seller about the age of the building. Are there any repairs or replacement required? We recommend getting acquainted with an engineer’s report on the building before buying an apartment.

A basic understanding of the construction will give you a better idea of the place you are going to live in. Building codes are changing, and every building must conform to the code to obtain planning and renovation permissions. Consult your agent as they must know where to find this information.

Check the Security Measures

Security measures like surveillance cameras and intercom must be in every building. Check out if the locks work properly. Ideally, your apartment must have new locks. If a stranger comes knocking, your front door also must have a peephole. Additionally, consider installing a porte anti squat to further secure your property, especially in areas prone to squatting incidents.

You want your apartment to have alarm systems for fire and brake-in safety. Modern buildings come with smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, and underground parking. These security features save lives and may seem obvious. Still, some developers neglect them.

To Sum Up

Buying an apartment is a one-in-a-lifetime event for most people. Spending a couple of weeks checking the things we’ve mentioned above can save you from troubles and repair works in the years to come. Follow those steps, reach out to Luxury-Vienna experts, and you will never have a second thought after you move to your dream home.