Why SEO is Best For Estate Agents

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For estate agents, SEO is more important than ever before. In the past, most estate agents would rely on foot traffic to gain clients. People would walk passed your offices, see the houses for sale in the window, and then come inside to learn more. While some people do still do this, the fact remains that most home buyers begin their search online. Similarly, people selling their homes are likely to start searching for agents on the web.

Nick Marr – MarrDigital

SEO is critical as it puts your website closer to the top of the search rankings, increasing visibility. However, local SEO is even more important for estate agents.

What is local SEO?

Local SEO involves improving the way your business ranks in the local search results. Effectively, this relates to any searches that are conducted in the area you’re based in. If people are looking for the best estate agents in Wokingham, good local SEO will ensure you’re one of the first companies people see.

It also enables your business to be found on Google Maps. When you search for local services, Google will present the top listings below a map of the area. Thus, people know exactly where your business is located.

What are the benefits of local SEO for estate agents?

As mentioned above, the main benefit is that it can drive more clients to your offices. Firstly, it enables more people to find your website and get in touch with you. Secondly, the fact that you appear on Google Maps will allow clients to find your office and pay you a visit. This can help you see an increase in both web and foot traffic.

Ultimately, for estate agents, SEO is essential. You need to focus on improving your local SEO to increase visibility and drive more potential clients to your doors instead of your local rivals.