Why You Should Buy A House During Holidays


In the midst of cold weather, travelling, chilling, and holiday madness home buying might not be the top thing happening. However, it doesn’t mean it is not the right time to purchase a house that you dream of. Actually, looking for Homes For Sale In Cranbrook BC when it’s not a peak house buying season is a smart thing to do.

No one is denying that this time of the year is to sit back and enjoy with family and friends but it is also a time when you can take advantage and get the best deals. Also, it is not about Black Friday sales but believes it or not the hint is towards real estate.

Now, you may get chilly weather and there might be fewer homes available for purchase but there are also quite amazing benefits of investing in a property this time of the year.

If you can brave the cold and hunt for the desired home, you would be surprisingly pleased to know what December has to offer for home buyers. The best suggestion would be; to bundle up in layers, put your coats and scarves to use and start house hunting while the holiday lasts.

If you are still sceptical and need more convincing, look at these advantages:

Benefits Of Property Dealing In the Holiday Season

Huge Financial Benefits

The lower asking price is just the tip of the iceberg here because Homes For Sale In Cranbrook BC have more to offer than that during holidays. Purchasing a home before the 31st of December provides you with an opportunity to take advantage of tax benefits.

Of course, for this to make sense and avail it fully you would have to talk to your accountant or the one dealing with the finances. They can make you understand all the complications and benefits of the taxes that come with the new year.

It is also subjective to the location and area of the property and from where you are making payments but, in most cases, it proves to be beneficial.

Easier Negotiations

The sales are super low during the holiday season which makes impulsive sellers more prone to negotiations with the buyers. Sellers are going to be more willing to discuss and have conversations again and again because they have fewer interested parties. It makes them more prone to negotiations on the terms of purchasers.

There is almost a desperation and strong desire to get the property off the market that sellers are willing to work with buyers even if they have to bend a little.

This may not happen during the peak selling season when there are several buyers in line for each property.

Availability Of Professionals

If you try to look for Homes For Sale In Cranbrook BC during summer the possibility of experienced professionals being completely swamped is too high. They will be too busy with other buyers and sellers to show interest in your case. Getting an experienced professional in the summertime is almost impossible or you have to wait for a long time. By professionals, we mean inspectors, mortgage brokers, and movers.

However, between Halloween and New year’s very few homes are listed meaning these professionals have more availability. You may even get reduced holiday pricing from them. The key is to negotiate as best as you can.

Another sought after professional in-home selling and purchasing is an estate agent who also has increased availability during the holiday season. You will be able to get specialized attention from your agent if you show interest in business during this time of the year.

They will be above and beyond with their services and might even get you early access to unpublicized listings.

Motivated Sellers

We all know, the holidays are not the most fruitful time for real estate and it definitely includes selling a house. There can be several reasons of selling a house but those who are selling it during holidays need to sell it more than they want to otherwise they would have waited for the peak season. It means one thing; good deal opportunity for buyers.

Many of these houses are sitting unsold for the whole summer. With holidays being the busier times and slow dealings, the sellers might get into a little hurry and sell the property fast.

The lack of choice in available homes during holidays can be balanced out by making a deal with an eager and flexible seller.

Very Few Buyers To Compete

One of the most frustrating parts of the home buying process is having to compete with other buyers. During the peak summer months, almost every house on sale in the market has high-stake bidding wars.

However, when it comes to holidays majority of the people are busy travelling, attending or hosting holiday functions, and spending time with loved ones. In other words, buying a home is not on the priority list in the holiday season. Many competing buyers are usually on a break around this time which creates a perfect opportunity for you to seek out Homes For Sale In Cranbrook BC.

With fewer buyers in the market, property shopping can pay off big!


All of this would make sense if you have an amazing estate agent who is well-connected. If you want to make a successful transaction in real estate you need to do it under the guidance of an agent. It is vital to have an agent whom you can trust and who has contacts within the market.

That’s the only way to get your hands on the valued property. An agent with connections and experience will be able to get to know about the home selling before it is publicized and the price tag increases.

The experience of your estate agent will also save you from investing in the wrong properties. If you want to have options that are valuable, then you need to find yourself an agent who has been in the market for some time and who is a known face for sellers as well. People tend to trust agents who they have heard about from other sellers or buyers.